2025 Encuentro de profesorado de español de Alberta

Join us for a dynamic, full-day professional development experience designed to equip Spanish language teachers with innovative strategies to enhance student learning.

To make the most of your experience, please read the title and description of each session carefully before selecting. Some sessions will be conducted in Spanish, while others will be in English.

Saturday May 3, 2025 11:45am - 12:30pm MDT
**This session is offered in Spanish.**

La música es un elemento presente en nuestra vida diaria y una palabra sinónima de cultura, vocabulario, gramática, actualidad y tradición. En esta ponencia se presenta a la música como un medio de comprensión de  la cultura española y su contexto mientras se trabajan contenidos enfocados al desarrollo de la lengua castellana del alumnado. Europa, comunidades autónomas o festividades, la música está presente en todas ellas y más allá.
avatar for Alberto Pérez Pascual

Alberto Pérez Pascual

I am an English Studies graduate with a masters in Secondary Education Teaching (Foreign Language Acquisition speciality). Being an undergraduate, I started my career in teaching as an assistant professor for the Spanish department at Cardiff University. Currently, I am potentiating... Read More →
Saturday May 3, 2025 11:45am - 12:30pm MDT
Room 9

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